Helpful Websites

On the right margin you will see a list of helpful websites you can click on:

Concentration Camps Basics- This website is very basic and explains the main concepts of the Holocaust. It includes very helpful links to better explain concentration camps.

Death Camps- This is a great website about the six death camps existed: Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka. It is detailed, organized, and specific!

Extermination Camps- This website is a more advanced learning level. It is very detailed on the reality of genocide and each individual death camp. It is a great link for students interested in more details about the Holocaust.

Florida Holocaust Museum- This website is full of information, facts, stories, art, and more. It is very well-organized and has information of every aspect of the Holocaust.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum- A very reliable website that gives explanations and pictures about all aspects of the Holocaust. It contains images, videos, and text from the museum.

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